Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Make Your Memorial Day Plans!

(Follow the link above for more information)

"Wondering what to do on Memorial Day in Colorado Springs? Head over to Old Colorado City to enjoy live music, delicious food and much more at the annual Territory Days going on all weekend long. Check out these other Colorado Springs Memorial Day Weekend activities for your family to enjoy!"

Insurance is Paying For It…Who is going to do it?

So, you made it through a personal challenge.  Your basement and/or some other parts of your Colorado Springs home has been damaged by fire, flood, or some other natural disaster.  Thank heaven for homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.  At least that part of the equation has been settled.

What do you do next?  Obviously, it needs to be restored to its full majesty.  After all, this is your castle we are talking about!  Here is the rub.  The damage could look minimal, but there is more than meets the eye.  You need to hire someone who has specialized in remodeling and restoration.

Colorado Springs is not huge, but we are for fortunate to have one of Colorado’s best.  He is Colorado Springs area home remodeler Brian Tucker.  You see, Brian has built homes and even resorts from the ground up.  That should be all you need to know.  So let’s call Brian Tucker when the insurance settles at (719) 217-7931.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Make Your Mother's Day Plans

(Follow the link above for more information)

"This year, Mother's Day is Sunday, May 14, 2017. Treat your mom to one or multiple Mother’s Day Specials in Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs Mother’s Day has very unique offerings – from brunch to special outings in Colorado Springs. Treat your mom to something extraordinary on her important day."

Monday, May 1, 2017

It’s Always Free.

Okay, you have my attention.  What is always free?  How about an estimate on your home remodeling job?  Lest you think everyone does that, think again.  There is travel, time, and expertise at play here.  On top of that, you want a professional who is a real pro at all types of home repair.

Is the person that you call able to refinish your basement?  Can they remodel your bathrooms and/or your kitchen?  Simply put, can they do ALL of the work without sub-contracting it?  Multi-talented people like that who will also give you a free estimate do not grow on trees…that’s for sure.

You are lucky to be living in Colorado Springs and the surrounding area.  That man is right next door!  He is Colorado Springs master builder and remodeler Brian Tucker.  Take a look at his website at www.tuccohomeimprovements.com.  You will get a feel for the quality work that he does.  Then pick up the phone and make an appointment at (719) 217-7931.